Ensure your final expenses are taken care of with a burial insurance plan.
If you have people who depend on you, the last thing you’d want to leave them is the responsibility of covering the costs associated with your burial. Our burial insurance plan can help cover expenses for caskets, urns, transportation, funeral service fees, flowers, and more.
During an already difficult time, burial insurance can ease the financial strain put on loved ones after losing a family member. With the average casket and urn prices often exceeding thousands of dollars, having the right coverage in place before something happens to you is incredibly important.
If you apply for Burial Insurance, you can make sure that your final wishes are attained and that your family won’t have to worry about its costs.
Our plan is a simple and quick way to guarantee that your family can deal with the emotional impact of losing someone they love without having to make on-the-spot decisions while in a time of mourning.
Benefits of Our Plan
Up to $50,000 in permanent coverage to cover for your funeral and burial needs;
An easy over-the-phone application process, with no need for medical exams or doctor reports;
No face-to-face meetings with agents when you apply;
Lifelong coverage with fixed premiums for life;
Benefits paid quickly directly to the people who matter most.
We’re a team of life insurance professionals driven to make finding and purchasing life insurance more comfortable for Americans, especially when planning for your final needs.
Our idea about life insurance centers around simplicity and efficiency – around making life insurance work for any American and any budget. We’re removing barriers, streamlining applications, and providing you with the best and most affordable coverage options available.