Our Plan Final Expense Plan

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What is the Final Expense Plan?

Final Expense is a life insurance policy designed to help your loved ones cover the cost of your funeral expenses and other costs (such as debts or hospital bills). It can also help you leave a legacy behind and provide financial support to dependent family members.

If you are worried about leaving enough funds to cover your final expenses or about your loved ones’ financial future, this policy is the right solution. It will give your beneficiaries the financial tools to deal with your final expenses while sparing them from worrying in an already difficult time. As an extra benefit, it can also help you leave a legacy that they can use to fulfill their wishes.
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Key Benefits of the Final Expense Plan

From coverage amounts to the application process and everything in between, here are some of the characteristics that make our plan right for any American:
Up to $50,000 in permanent coverage. We provide Americans with a range of benefit amounts that can help with any financial need.
Fixed Premiums for life. Once you are given your premium amount, it stays that amount for the life of the plan. So, you always know the cost of your coverage.
Cash value benefits. You can use your cash value savings to help with premium payments and other financial needs.
Easy application process. We pride ourselves on our straightforward application. There are never any face-to-face meetings with agents or paperwork to complete when you apply. Everything is done entirely on the phone from the comfort of your home.
No medical exams or reports to apply. By removing the most significant barrier for Americans, we're making life insurance more accessible than ever before. There are never any medical exams required at any point during your application for life insurance. 
Fast approval coverage. There are no waiting periods to see if you are covered. When you apply, you know instantly if you are approved. Unlike most traditional life insurance plans, where you have to wait several days for approval, you can know if you are approved the same day you apply with the Final Expense Plan. 
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We want to give as many Americans as we can the possibility of getting insured. That is why our easy eligibility criteria requires for the applicant to be a United States resident between the ages of 18 to 80 and answer a a few simple health questions.

How to Apply

The process is very straightforward. You just have to fill out our online form (which takes about two minutes) and answer a few basic questions with our friendly advisors by the phone. They will then advise you and approve your coverage request as quickly as possible.

If you’d prefer to reach us directly and get your quote over the phone, you can also call us at +1.855.458.0339.
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FL 33136
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